Z codes is a 30-day project to identify any social issues (literacy, money, etc) that may affect patient management.
As of 2024, you can be PAID to screen your patients for Z codes. This project tells you how.
Z codes were developed in 2018, but <2% of all charts are coded with Z codes
PAs have a chance to change this, while collecting 20 CME 1 credits at the same time!
(Note: NCCPA will DOUBLE this to 40 CME 1)
Zero in on Z codes asks you to develop a mechanism to code Z codes in YOUR practice. Then tell us what worked.
1) You must be in clinical practice to participate.
2) You must have 30 days to implement this project.
We are desperate to get Z codes into practices. So, we are offering this at our cost
Just click on the link and order it!