Nephrology Links

PCMG - Primary Care Metabolic Group

AAPA - American Academy of PAs

ASN - American Society of Nephrology

RPA - Renal Physician's Association

USRDS - US Renal Data System

NKF - National Kidney Foundation

K/DIGO - Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome

Davita "is your source for kidney disease and dialysis information."
CMS - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
RSN - Patient video from Renal Support Network: Seymour Jones and the Temple of CKD

NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Disease

AKF - American Kidney Fund

AST - American Society of Transplantation

Fresenius Kidney Care -
Committed to helping people with Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease lead fuller, more active and vibrant lives.