Active Dates: 8/1/19-12/31/22
- CKD is the fasting growing chronic disease in the US! Diabetes is the number 1 cause of CKD...this has been true for 20 years.
- 15% of US adults or 37 million people are estimated to have CKD 90% of adults with CKD do not even know they have it
- The cost of the US kidney population is larger than the budget of NIH + NASA + Homeland Security ALL ADDED TOGETHER!
- Even when patients have poor kidney function, 50% of them have no idea! Since CKD is growing so fast and diabetes is the number 1 cause of CKD, we are going to the SOURCE!
- 'Kidneys in a Box' is for any PA who sees diabetic patients and wants to save them from a lifetime of dialysis. Are you treating your diabetics with the most up to date, cutting edge choices?
- Help us to help you to slow the surge of Kidney Disease!
We have experts who have your back... - Includes a new section on Medical Marijuana use in patients
Kidneys in a Box is an AAPA-certified PI-CME that you can do in a few easy steps:
(1) Order via the PayPal button above
(2) Review 10 random charts answering the simple questions
(3) Figure out where you are weak and change that behavior using tools we give you
(4) Review 10 random charts 45 days later to see if you made a difference...
If you did, GREAT...If you didn't, at least you tried.
(5) You get 20 (now 40!) units of CME 1 no matter the outcome!
All for the low, low cost of $25 (we are a non-profit)